You need to start a giving plan now! Why? All across the country yesterday church services were either cancelled or attendance was greatly curtailed. Snow and cold weather kept even the faithful from attending. My first thought was about all the offering money that was lost. Of course being The Stewardship Coach that was my first thought. However as I sat in my warm office tracking how churches were responding I saw this Facebook post from Pastor Shane Bishop who wrote, “Jan 5 will be remembered in the Midwest as “Blizzard Sunday.” January 12 as “Boy Do We Need a Good Offering Sunday.”"
Even if weather was not a factor for you this past Sunday in all probability your first service of the year still showed some lingering effects of the Holiday season. While you might not have been impacted by poor attendance this Sunday sooner or later your giving will be challenged and missions and ministry might have to be cut back. Wise churches don’t sit back when difficulty arises.
The key to giving success is to have a plan. One of the biggest mistakes churches make is not having any plans with regards to stewardship planning. I teach that you have to have a plan and then you must work your plan.
If you need a giving plan go here…
You must develop the plan now! Another huge mistake churches make is waiting until it is too late to do something about their decline in giving. I get all kinds of requests for help during the summer. Why did they wait so late? If Sunday’s offering, the first of the year, was not what you needed it to be what is your plan to make up the shortfall? As I like to say, “Don’t just sit there, do something!”
You can get immediate help here…
Here is what Christ Church did when a blizzard forced them to cancel services.
First notice that the sermon was available online. So members could worship. Also notice that they have online giving already set up and they encouraged members to give. All of this was built BEFORE the snow hit. This is a great example of having a plan and working your plan. This post was inserted into their Facebook page well before they knew the offering would be totally lost. They were being proactive not reactive. Plans like this is one reason why since 2006 their giving has increased by over 200%!
It has been my privilege since 2006 to work with Christ Church to see their giving grow. The lessons I have learned from working with them and other top churches in America I am transferring to as many churches as possible in 2014. Now you can get the same help!
To find out how to get your own Stewardship Coach go here…
Let’s fully fund your church for 2014!
Mark Brooks
Founder and President
The Charis Group and Charis Giving Solutions